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工程院考试时的因病请假制度(zz from 香槟日志)

qishanxiang 发表于 2010-5-13 02:29:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
你要找的部门应该是Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS),电话217-333-0050,他们会给你一个Absense Letter
除此之外建议马上给Instructor发一封邮件,解释一下,并告诉他你再申请一个Absence Letter
如果是Midterm或Hour Exam,拿着这个Letter去找Instructor,安排一个Make-up Exam
如果是Final没考成,就得去College of Engineering office, 206 Engineering Hall (M-F, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm),最后还是会有一个make-up.
To all College of Engineering Students:

I write to remind you of the campus policy on student illness and exams. If you have an exam scheduled (hourly, mid-term, final) and you are sick to such an extent that your performance on the exam would likely be compromised, you should NOT take the exam.

If you find yourself in this situation, you should contact the Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS) to request an excused absence letter. You can phone the ODOS at 217-333-0050, or visit them at 300 Turner Student Services Building, 610 East John Street, M-F 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. After hours the same phone number will be answered by the ODOS Emergency Dean; please use this only for situations that will not wait until morning. It is also wise to e-mail your instructor immediately to let them know that you are sick, that you will not be taking the exam, and that you will be requesting an excused absence letter.

If the exam you missed is a MID-TERM or an HOUR EXAM, you should provide the absence letter to your instructor and work with them to schedule a make-up exam. The date of the make-up exam should allow a reasonable amount of time for you to recover and to prepare for the exam, but you should make these arrangements with your instructor as soon as possible.

If you miss a FINAL EXAM, you should come first to the College of Engineering office, 206 Engineering Hall (M-F, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm), and tell the receptionist you need to request an Incomplete grade. Once the Incomplete grade is approved, you can make arrangements with your instructor to make up the final. If your class offers a conflict exam and you are well enough to take it, you do not need to request an Incomplete grade, but you should contact your instructor immediately to request permission to take the conflict exam.

In any case, always follow your doctor’s advice on when to return to class, particularly if you have been contagious.

The Student Code also states that “Appeal of an instructor’s decision regarding the legitimacy of an excused absence may be made to the dean of the college.” College of Engineering students can see a dean in 206 Engineering Hall if they are unable to make suitable arrangements with their instructor for illness-related make-up exams.


Charles L. Tucker III

Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs

College of Engineering
jxljj9Q 发表于 2012-11-25 05:35:44 | 显示全部楼层
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